The University of Sheffield is midway through a program of rebuilding some of its Halls of Residence, and as a result several have been decomissioned and redeveloped. However Ballard Hall, a sprawling, '70's, low rise affair, is still there, hidden behind established trees and amongst beautiful Victorian villas.

This place has been shut for a while, and is wrecked. Completely. Matresses are strewn around much of the campus.

The laundrette is ruined.

Cool concrete stairs.

Lots of graffiti here.

It will have been a few years since the Morrocan sprung dance floor will have rocked to drunken students shouting along to Size of a Cow and Sit Down.

We had been in one of the houses when the sound of a lot of voices got closer. Counting them, it sounded at least like four or five, maybe more. We deceided to go and see what was going on, and met about eight or nine teenagers on bikes.
"What are you doing here?" said one kid.
"Nothing, what are you doing here?" I replied.
"Nothing" he answered, and carried on, to a large set of ramps they had built on the roof of the main building.

If you are keen cyclist, much of the bike riding takes place on the roof of here. Careful you don't ride your bike off the edge though.

Not a lot to see here to be honest, but a semi interesting twenty minutes or so. No doubt, once planning permission is agreed, this will all be gone. I'm sure the non BMX loving local residents over the age of 15 will be glad.
Here's a chair and some graffiti to finish off.