Visited this place 2 months ago with Vladimir.
It's completley stripped out inside apart from one room which is filled with treasure!! I could have spent hours in there looking & reading but time was getting on and pub quizz was calling.

Alir147 told me the history of this place which is fascinating.
Basically most of the letters, etc were addressed to a Sir Euan Forbes and after much googling around it turns out that Sir Euan was born ELIZABETH! YES.... a woman.

After he/she "came out" , he married his housekeeper and became a doctor in the local village where the house is. They enjoyed many parties at the house and loved scottish country music. I think he died in the 70's and the house has been left to rot since then :/

Now for the good stuff

A letter about spending time with the queen mother!

Old Cheques::




.... All just lying around left to rot in this room =[