Unfortunately I couldn't find any history on this place, all I do know is the Church was built in 1870 thanks to the dedication stone by the entrance and it was of a catholic faith.

I remember going past here years ago, it was before I got into the wonderful world of Urbex and I remember seeing the builders smashing the windows to put the boards in, dragging out the pews and seeing some of the church doors in the yard and it was like taking a bullet.

Imagine my surprise when I walked into the church and saw the pews sitting there, some of the windows almost intact and the beautiful doors still standing proud. I don't know if they had to be put back or what I saw all those years ago was from elsewhere but this was a nice explore and the swifts swooping in and out of the building were a welcome change to the pigeons that normally fly at me.

It seems organs are the favoured place to nest