View Full Version : Archived: Huddersfield St Lukes Hospital Aug 2010

31-08-2011, 07:35 PM
Hiya guys

okay so i know this has already been done and everything has been gutted but as its in west yorks i thought id go anyways! i actually took more than these pics but i havent got round to editing them all yet so heres what ive got so far - its kinda same old stuff empty corridors so ive played with the colours to try and make em a little bit more interesting :P

also btw - i havent seen any pics of the reception - i got to reception (at which point i was lost! - everything looks the bloody same!) and it doesnt seem all that gutted - its bright orange and blue - theres afew windows open so the rain has started coming in making the floor very slipping in some places - careful if ya get there! Ill put my pics back up later with some others.

Also as an interesting note (again got the pic just not edited yet!) there were 10 spent shells behind the reception doors on a wood bench - yes, as in bullets! kinda freaked me out - specially as there were holes in windows... made me wonder if those shells caused it! i picked afew up (stupid in retrospect!) but couldnt see any info on them... i.e blanks size or type (but id take a good guess 5.56mm - and the black ended tips suggest they were blanks) so hell knows whats that all about...?! there was a notepad next to it but that wasnt anything interesting - just builders notes.

and of course - the usual needles laying around - no idea what they were used for :P i loved how it still had that "hosptial smell" still... anyways ill shut up and to the pics!

shattered test tubes of something...

everybody loves a red door

classic NHS

another corridor - one of a million

love how the light floods in

gloomy :(

staircases... some sections 3 - 4 floors (hence i got frickin lost!)

filthy windows

trashed locks

is that... no... not a corridor?!

go on guess

toilets were out of order

one small section of the big grounds

and other just cuz i like it

01-09-2011, 02:55 PM
thats just a small part of it, the rest is completely fucked..

Heres one of mine from there, and it ALL looks the same:


the window in the chapel is about the only thing good whats left:
